287 research outputs found

    Sistema de Producción, Trasiego y Venta de IFO

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    Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería Electrónica). Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Ingeniería Electrónica, 2007.El objetivo de este proyecto es colaborar con el Departamento de Procesos de Ingeniería de Recope, en la elaboración de la Ingeniería Básica del proyecto T-1090-LN, Sistema de Producción Trasiego y Venta de IFO, el cual es un combustible para barcos que en nuestro país se comercializa principalmente en barcos bananeros. En la actualidad la empresa ha tomado la iniciativa de utilizar un excedente de Bunker producto que puede ser comercializado como combustible marino. Como parte de las acciones que se han tomado, se pretende aumentar las ventas de IFO el cual se constituye de cerca de un 85 % de Bunker C, esto se implementará en el Muelle de Moín. Este proyecto define los sistemas a utilizar en la medición y control del producto IFO; además diseña la red de comunicación y control entre el muelle y la Refinería. Se espera en un futuro cercano disponer de una venta con un flujo total de 300 m3/h por barco y con una capacidad de atender a 2 barcos simultáneamente

    Sistema de Producción, Trasiego y Venta de IFO

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    Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería Electrónica). Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Ingeniería Electrónica, 2007.El objetivo de este proyecto es colaborar con el Departamento de Procesos de Ingeniería de Recope, en la elaboración de la Ingeniería Básica del proyecto T-1090-LN, Sistema de Producción Trasiego y Venta de IFO, el cual es un combustible para barcos que en nuestro país se comercializa principalmente en barcos bananeros. En la actualidad la empresa ha tomado la iniciativa de utilizar un excedente de Bunker producto que puede ser comercializado como combustible marino. Como parte de las acciones que se han tomado, se pretende aumentar las ventas de IFO el cual se constituye de cerca de un 85 % de Bunker C, esto se implementará en el Muelle de Moín. Este proyecto define los sistemas a utilizar en la medición y control del producto IFO; además diseña la red de comunicación y control entre el muelle y la Refinería. Se espera en un futuro cercano disponer de una venta con un flujo total de 300 m3/h por barco y con una capacidad de atender a 2 barcos simultáneamente

    How to interconnect operational and behavioral views of web applications

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    In the context of our research project, we are looking for program comprehension tools that are able to interconnect operational and behavioral views, aiming at aiding the programmer to relate problem and program domains to reach a full understanding of software systems. In particular we have been studying the adaptation of that principle to web applications. In this context, we had designed and implemented a tool called WebAppViewer. In this paper, we emphasize the development of the module (BORS) that is responsible for providing interconnection functionalities and we propose a tool demonstration. A dedicated web server is included in the system to allow the execution of the piece of code selected by the user. This feature is used to relate the source text (html, php, etc) executed by the server, with the web page received by the client. Code instrumentation is used to collect dynamic information.FC

    Análise técnica e ambiental da produção de AQS: caso de estudo

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    Mestrado em Sistemas Energéticos SustentáveisO aproveitamento de energia solar apresenta desafios técnicos, custos económicos e ambientais que importa racionalizar. Os objetivos deste trabalho são a realização uma avaliação técnica, ambiental e económica de produção de água quente sanitária (AQS) a partir de um caso de estudo. O método de trabalho utilizado obedeceu a uma metodologia top-down, ou seja, a partir da observação da realidade de uma instalação de produção doméstica de água quente sanitária que inclui um conjunto de dispositivos de aquecimento baseado em painéis solares térmicos e caldeira de apoio a gás. Para o efeito, numa habitação foi monitorizada ao longo do ano quer a utilização água quente quer de utilização de gás combustível, quer as condições de irradiação solar, temperaturas da instalação. Para a avaliação económica e ambiental do sistema, foi realizado o inventário do material e equipamento instalado bem como dos respetivos custos de aquisição e incidências ambientais. Para efeitos de análise, os investimentos realizados foram considerados sob quatro conjuntos de equipamentos: A - Painéis solares e acessórios, B - Dispositivo de distribuição de água quente solar, C – Dispositivos adicionais (filtração de AFS, bomba recirculadora, válvulas para utilização de água quente em MLR e MLL) e D - Dispositivo de aquecimento de água de reforço/alternativo. De modo avaliar o interesse económico e ambiental do sistema de AQS, criaram-se cinco projetos (R1, R2, R3, R4 e R5) cada um dos quais tendo em conta diferentes perspetivas de análise. A análise económica dos diferentes projetos foi realizada numa base anual e para um horizonte temporal de 15 anos, recorrendo a um modelo de análise económica de projetos baseado na ótica do utilizador/consumidor, (excluindo amortizações e impostos que não o IVA), tendo sido escolhido como critério o Valor Atualizado Líquido (VAL), tendo em conta os custos de investimento, os custos operatórios e, quando aplicável, as poupanças previstas. A análise técnica mostrou a necessidade de cobrir os painéis durantes os períodos de maior radiação solar e ausência de utilização (férias de verão), a afinação de set-point de temperatura, a melhoria do posicionamento do depósito de acumulação de água quente. Os resultados da análise económica permitiram concluir que o investimento em painéis solares só é vantajoso desde que a duração do projeto seja cerca de 20 anos, que pode ser vantajoso a recuperação de água de desperdício de AQS e a utilização de água quente para alimentação às máquinas de lavar loiça e roupa. Os resultados da análise ambiental permitiram concluir que o projeto com maior pegada de carbono é o que resulta da utilização exclusiva de gás butano, sendo que os projectos envolvendo a energia solar térmica apresentam benefícios ambientais significativos em resultado das poupanças de electricidade, gás e água.The use of solar energy presents technical challenges, economic and environmental costs that need to be rationalized. The objectives of this work are to carry out a technical, environmental and economic evaluation of the use of domestic hot water (DHW) from a case study. The work method used was based on a top-down analysis, that is, from the observation of the reality of a domestic hot water installation that includes a set of heating devices based on thermal solar panels and butane gas boiler. For this purpose, a dwelling was monitored throughout the year using both hot water and the use of combustible gas, as well as solar irradiation conditions and installation temperatures. For the economic and environmental evaluation of the system, an inventory of the equipment was carried out, as well as their acquisition costs and environmental impacts. For analysis purposes, the investments made were considered under four sets of equipment: A - Solar panels and accessories, B - Solar hot water distribution device, C - Additional devices (AFS filtration, recirculating pump, valves for hot water use in washing machines) and D - alternate water heating device. In order to evaluate the economic and environmental interest of the DHW system, five projects (R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5) were created, each taking into account different analysis perspectives. The economic analysis of the different projects was carried out on an annual basis for a 15-year time horizon, using a model of economic analysis of projects based on the user / consumer perspective (excluding depreciation and taxes other than VAT). Taking into account the investment costs, the operating costs and, when applicable, the expected savings. The technical analysis showed the need to cover the panels during periods of higher solar radiation and absence of user (summer vacation), set-point temperature tuning, improved positioning of the hot water storage tank. The results of the economic analysis have led to the conclusion that investment in solar panels is only advantageous if the duration of the project is about 20 years, which may be advantageous for the recovery of waste water and the use of hot water for feeding to the washing machines. The results of the environmental analysis allowed to conclude that the project with the highest carbon footprint results of the exclusive use of butane gas, and the projects involving solar thermal heat have significant benefits as a result of the savings of gas and wate

    Comparing generators for language-based tools

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    The first step in any language development project is the Compiler Generator choice. Nowadays there are many offers, based on translation grammars, attribute grammars or other language specification formalisms. To make up a decision, more factors than just the tool user-friendliness and the processor’s quality should be taken into account. To aid the language developer, we analyze in this paper three Compiler Generators. The traditional and well known YACC, and two more recent ones, LISA and AnTLR-3. The first produces a Syntax-Directed Translator, while the others generate a Semantic-Directed Translator based on attribute evaluation. Moreover both the AG-based generators also produce other Language-based Tools that are mentioned and compared.FC

    New terrestrial cyanobacteria from the Azores Islands: description of Venetifunis gen. nov. and new species of Albertania, Kovacikia and Pegethrix

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    The taxonomy of cyanobacteria has advanced quickly with the use of molecular methods in combination with well-defined morphological and ecological characters. Using this approach, many taxonomical changes have occurred in the Synechococcales and Oscillatoriales, with the description of new families, genera and species. Here we present the study of four cyanobacterial strains from the Bank of Algae and Cyanobacteria of the Azores (BACA) culture collection, all isolated from the Azores Archipelago. The strains were genetically characterized through the amplification of the 16S rRNA gene and 16S-23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region, as well as morphologically by light and transmission electron microscopy. One of the strains presented a high genetic divergence from known genera of Synechococcales and was described as Venetifunis florensis gen. & sp. nov. (Trichocoleusaceae, Cyanobacteria). The remaining three strains were found to be new species of the genera Albertania, Kovacikia and Pegethrix. Venetifunis florensis was isolated from the shores of Lake Rasa in Flores Island, Kovacikia atmophytica sp. nov. is a new species mainly distinguished genetically from other Kovacikia species from Terceira Island. Albertania obscura sp. nov. was isolated from inside a volcanic cave in Terceira Island and is distinct both morphologically and genetically from the already described species. Pegethrix atlantica sp. nov. is a new morphologically and genetically different species isolated from São Miguel Island. The description of these new taxa increases the biogeographic knowledge of the four mentioned cyanobacterial genera to remote oceanic islands and new terrestrial habitats

    The Feeling Is Mutual: Clarity of Haptics-Mediated Social Perception Is Not Associated With the Recognition of the Other, Only With Recognition of Each Other

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    The enactive theory of perception hypothesizes that perceptual access to objects depends on the mastery of sensorimotor contingencies, that is, on the know-how of the regular ways in which changes in sensations depend on changes in movements. This hypothesis can be extended into the social domain: perception of other minds is constituted by mastery of self-other contingencies, that is, by the know-how of the regular ways in which changes in others’ movements depend on changes in one’s movements. We investigated this proposal using the perceptual crossing paradigm, in which pairs of players are required to locate each other in an invisible one-dimensional virtual space by using a minimal haptic interface.We recorded and analyzed the real-time embodied social interaction of 10 pairs of adult participants. The results reveal a process of implicit perceptual learning: on average, clarity of perceiving the other’s presence increased over trials and then stabilized. However, a clearer perception of the other was not associated with correctness of recognition as such, but with both players correctly recognizing each other. Furthermore, the moments of correct mutual recognition tended to happen within seconds. The fact that changes in social experience can only be explained by the successful performance at the level of the dyad, and that this veridical mutual perception tends toward synchronization, lead us to hypothesize that integration of neural activity across both players played a role

    Multi-scale coordination of distinctive movement patterns during embodied interaction between adults with high-functioning autism and neurotypicals

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    Funding We acknowledge financial support from DGAPA-PAPIIT projects of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México: IA105017 (RF and LZ-F) and IA104717 (TF), Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT) projects 167441 (RF and LZ-F), the scholarship 638215 to LZ-F granted by the CONACyT, the Newton Advanced Fellowship awarded to RF by the Academy of Medical Sciences, through the UK Government’s Newton, and the Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship “SOCIAL BRAIN” awarded to BT. Acknowledgments We thank Charles Lenay and Dominique Aubert from the Université de Technologie de Compiègne for making the TACTOS hardware and software available to the University Hospital Cologne, and for providing technical support. LZ-F would like to specially thank Jesús Naveja and Lilia Fonseca for interesting discussions. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02760/full#supplementary-materialPeer reviewedPublisher PD

    Femtosecond two-photon absorption spectroscopy of poly(fluorene) derivatives containing benzoselenadiazole and benzothiadiazole

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    We have investigated the molecular structure and two-photon absorption (2PA) properties relationship of two push-pull poly(fluorene) derivatives containing benzoselenadiazole and benzothiadiazole units. For that, we have used the femtosecond wavelength-tunable Z-scan technique with a low repetition rate (1 kHz) and an energy per pulse on the order of nJ. Our results show that both 2PA spectra present a strong 2PA (around 600 GM (1 GM = 1×10-50 cm4 .s. photon-1)) band at around 720 nm (transition energy 3.45 eV) ascribed to the strongly 2PA-allowed 1Ag-like → mAg-like transition, characteristic of poly(fluorene) derivatives. Another 2PA band related to the intramolecular charge transfer was also observed at around 900 nm (transition energy 2.75 eV). In both 2PA bands, we found higher 2PA cross-section values for the poly(fluorene) containing benzothiadiazole unit. This outcome was explained through the higher charge redistribution at the excited state caused by the benzothiadiazole group as compared to the benzoselenadiazole and confirmed by means of solvatochromic Stokes shift measurements. To shed more light on these results, we employed the sum-over-states approach within the two-energy level model to estimate the maximum permanent dipole moment change related to the intramolecular charge transfer transition

    Multi-Scale Coordination of Distinctive Movement Patterns During Embodied Interaction Between Adults With High-Functioning Autism and Neurotypicals

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    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can be understood as a social interaction disorder. This requires researchers to take a “second-person” stance and to use experimental setups based on bidirectional interactions. The present work offers a quantitative description of movement patterns exhibited during computer-mediated real-time sensorimotor interaction in 10 dyads of adult participants, each consisting of one control individual (CTRL) and one individual with high-functioning autism (HFA). We applied time-series analyses to their movements and found two main results. First, multi-scale coordination between participants was present. Second, despite this dyadic alignment and our previous finding that individuals with HFA can be equally sensitive to the other’s presence, individuals’ movements differed in style: in contrast to CTRLs, HFA participants appeared less inclined to sustain mutual interaction and instead explored the virtual environment more generally. This finding is consistent with social motivation deficit accounts of ASD, as well as with hypersensitivity-motivated avoidance of overstimulation. Our research demonstrates the utility of time series analyses for the second-person stance and complements previous work focused on non-dynamical and performance-based variables